Reading the Manual: Event Extraction as Definition Comprehension
title = "Reading the Manual: Event Extraction as Definition Comprehension",
author = "Chen, Yunmo and
Chen, Tongfei and
Ebner, Seth and
White, Aaron Steven and
Van Durme, Benjamin",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Structured Prediction for NLP",(EMNLP的SPNLP workshop)
month = nov,
year = "2020",
address = "Online",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
- 原文链接:
- 作者:Chen, Tongfei
- 代码:未开源
- 人工事件抽取和机器事件抽取之间的存在一些区别。人工进行事件抽取通常是给个Annotation Manual以及几个examples,人去抽取。而机器事件抽取则是给定大量examples,机器自己去学习,缺少了Annotation Manual这一环;
- 通过为每一个event type构造**
bleached statement
引入Annotation Manual中的外部知识,采用cloze style MRC
(not traditional!)**来求解event extraction; - 为解决一个Argument Role可能存在Multiple-Span(即多个答案)的问题,提出了一个Multiple-Span Selector;
- 能够运用到few-shot和zero-shot上;
1. A Bleached Statement
漂白的陈述?hhh,这个名字有点高大上。以ACE 2005数据集中的LIFE:BE-BORN
事件作为一个例子,它对应的bleached statement是:
填充bleached statement之后得到:
本论文的工作就是给定 bleached statement
和 text
,得到填充后的bleached statement。
0. An Example of the Method(Overview)
如上图可见,采用的是逐步求精(refine step by step)的方式,一步一步地填充上bleached statement。
1. Multiple Argument Selector
本论文的问题场景与traditional MRC存在些许不同:
- traditional MRC的Query是问句,而本文是cloze-style problem;
- traditional MRC的answer span通常只有1个。而在本文中,对于一个Argument Role,可能存在多个Argument,需要考虑Multiple Argument的情况。
论文通过使用sequence tagging的方式来解决这个问题,使用的sequence tagging的方法是CRF,tagging schema是BIO
对于前面提到的example中的text。当进行到Round 2的时候,placeholder是someone else
,此时,将text中的每一个token作为query,placeholder中的每一个token作为key和value。得到placeholder的attentive representation:
然后使用下面拼接起来的特征作为CRF中potential function的输入:
potential function就是一个Multi-layer Feed-forward neural network:
2. Trigger Identification
Trigger能够被看作是一个特殊的argument,所以论文采用前文提到的argument selection model用于trigger identification,而placeholder是除去argument placeholder之后的bleached statement中的所有单词,例如下面划线部分:
3. Training Data Generation
argument extractor的输入是$(S,I,T)$形式的三元组。在训练的过程中,每一个refined bleached statement使用gold bleached statement,而不是前一步的predicted bleached statement。(这个训练方式好像是常规操作,之前看的Joint Model也是这么训练的)
4. Negative Sampling
对trigger identification进行负采样来扩充数据集。对于每一个example,构建负样本的方法是选择其$\alpha$%的负样本事件类型。(毕竟只有trigger identification可以这样做)
ACE 2005~
Error Analysis
文章对于argument extractor的error analysis倒是挺有趣的:
- Relative clauses。例如论文模型抽取Mosul作为argument,而gold answer却是*Mosul, where U.S. troops killed 17 people in clashes earlier in the week.*这两个本质上是一样的,但是由于clause的存在,导致了error;
- Counts。例如gold answer是300 billion yen,而论文模型抽取是300 billion;
- Durations。例如gold answer是lasted two hours,而论文模型抽取是two hours;
从上面的error analysis可以看出,没有entity mention,单纯基于start-end span的抽取方式会存在semantic相同,但是span精度出现问题。
- Trung Minh Nguyen and Thien Huu Nguyen. 2019. One for all: Neural joint modeling of entities and events. In Proc. AAAI, pages 6851–6858.
- Lifu Huang, Heng Ji, Kyunghyun Cho, Ido Dagan, Sebastian Riedel, and Clare Voss. 2018. Zero-shot transfer learning for event extraction. In Proc. ACL, pages 2160–2170.
- Xiaoya Li, Fan Yin, Zijun Sun, Xiayu Li, Arianna Yuan, Duo Chai, Mingxin Zhou, and Jiwei Li. 2019. Entity-relation extraction as multi-turn question answering. In Proc. ACL, pages 1340–1350.(QA for relation extraction)
- Livio Baldini Soares, Nicholas FitzGerald, Jeffrey Ling, and Tom Kwiatkowski. 2019. Matching the blanks: Distributional similarity for relation learning.
In Proc. ACL, pages 2895–2905.(Cloze style MRC for relation extraction) - Xuchen Yao, Benjamin Van Durme, Chris Callison-Burch, and Peter Clark. 2013. Answer extraction as sequence tagging with tree edit distance. In Proc. NAACL, pages 858–867.(远古时期,使用序列标注解决抽取式阅读理解的模型)
- John D. Lafferty, Andrew McCallum, and Fernando C. N. Pereira. 2001. Conditional random fields: Probabilistic models for segmenting and labeling sequence data. In Proc. ICML, pages 282–289.(将如何将CRF运用到序列标注的经典论文)
- 采用refine bleached statement step by step的方式,间接规定了论元抽取是有顺序的。这里面并没有什么逻辑,而且抽取在前的argument可以为后继argument提供信息,而后继argument却不能影响抽取在前的argument,似乎并不是很好;
对于论文中提到的Potential Function of CRF,之前没有了解,里面有很多学问:
The potential function at each position of the input sequence in a neural CRF is typically decomposed into an emission function (of the current label and the vector representation of the current word) and a transition function (of the previous and current labels)
不太明白identify trigger之后,进行的
- Trigger based method,根据Trigger去划分数据集,而且一定要引入Trigger的信息,甚至可以引入Trigger的位置信息,因为Trigger的位置对于论元的抽取非常重要。
- 可以作为文章的对比实验!
- 论文采用的是CRF来标注Argument Span,我们之前都是用Start-End指针标注的方式,不知道这两者对实验的结果会有什么影响?
- 引入新的预训练语言模型。